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Two subwoofers are available for the position of the central bass output: the single-channel model for AV receiver operation or the integrated six-channel model with surround receiver. The Subwoofer SW+R Dolby Digital/dts from the Concept S+R-Set has a full multichannel receiver with three analogue and two digital inputs, 350 watt output, remote control and UKW/MW radio. This means you can directly connect signal sources such as DVD players/recorders, TV, satellite receivers, MP3 players, games consoles and video recorders – and control them all via remote control from the comfort of your sofa. You don’t need a separate surround receiver. Please note: like all Concept S components, this fully active 5.1 subwoofer SW+R Dolby Digital/dts is available separately, in case you still want to add your own choice of surround system without receiver.
The central bass unit of the Concept S is an active subwoofer with a downward-radiating 250mm woofer that, in combination with a powerful 170 watt sine power amplifier (300 watt music output) and a bass reflex system, provides a solid bass foundation in rooms up to 30m2. A remote control is included so that you can easily adjust the levels and the crossover frequency from the listening location.
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